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Organic Body Care Products

Why You Should Be Using Organic Body Care Products

Synthetic products tend to have a lot of harmful ingredients in them, all the way down to petroleum and carcinogens. These ingredients can wreak havoc on your skin, but some of the worst damage is done underneath it.

Every item we rub onto our skin actually seeps through the skin and eventually into the bloodstream. Using products made with harmful chemicals puts your health at constant risk.

Organic body care products, on the other hand, are made from nature’s ingredients- items that were intended for human use. If these natural ingredients seep through the skin and into the bloodstream, it can actually restore the vitamins and minerals we need.

Many organic body care products are made with at least one essential oil. It is fairly well known that essential oils have natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

What many people do not know is that these essential oils can help skin issues. There is an essential oil for most issues, including dry skin, oily skin, or acne.

Natural ingredients and essential oils are typically safe for most people- certainly more so than with synthetic products. Some people might be allergic to an ingredient in natural products.

For instance, some contain soy and some contain nuts. If a person has any such allergy, they might experience a reaction. Fortunately, it is easy to determine what ingredients are in natural products as the simple list is clearly visible.

Synthetic products, on the other hand, have many things in them we may not even recognize. It’s no secret that they have a long list of hard to pronounce ingredients, but the more disturbing thing is the ingredients that are on the list.

One example is the fragrance in these products. As the exact fragrance is considered a trade secret, companies are not required to reveal what the “fragrance” is. With so many other harmful substances that are spelled out, it is concerning to know that these companies get to hide some of the ingredients.

Don’t take a chance with your health. Switch to natural products so you will know what exactly you are putting on your body.

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